Please contact us before returning your items to the manufacturer.
Our policy requires a claim to be submitted no later than 30 days from date of purchase. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused, in the same condition that you received it, and in the original packaging. At this time, only items that are received defective or damaged are eligible for a 100% refund. Sale items are not available for refund.
We understand sometimes you change your mind, and that’s ok. We are here to accept exchanges or returns for store credit. These also require a claim to be submitted no later than 30 days from date of purchase. Only one exchange per item will be available. Sale items are available for exchange or store credit at same or less value than the original purchase. Purchaser responsible for shipping costs on exchange items.
In both cases, receipt or proof of purchase will be required to process the claim(s).To begin the claim process, please use this form and someone from our team will be ready to help.
If you are not fully satisfied, please let our team know immediately how we can resolve your concerns as quickly as possible.
Please fill out the form and we'll have a support representative reach out to you directly.